The epitome of Hitler's "Wunder
Weapons" and the most quickly thought of when someone speaks of the
radical or advanced Nazi designs from WWII, the V-2 earned its place in
history as being the first guided ballistic missile to see widespread
use. While crude and innacurate by today's laser guided, GPS
cued, "smart" bomb standards, the V-2 was a big leap forward for the
technology of the day. Due to its historical noteriety, this
subject has been molded many a time over the years. Back some
decades ago, Revell chose the V-2 as the subject of one of its "History
Makers" kits and rendered it, along with its trailer / erector in
1/54th scale. While out of production, that kit can still be
found on eBay and on the back shelves of some hobby stores. The
V-2 has also been issued in other, more popular scales over the
years. Mauve rendered one in 1/48th and there's been several in
1/35th. Of late has been the versions rendered by Condor, Special
Hobby and MPM.