Luft 46 Models: Index page
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What's New!

After too long letting this site sit, I've found some time and am now starting to get more content uploaded as I receive it.  Earlier this week I put out the call for help and now things have started rolling.  First up is some info from Karl Juelch.  Turns out he was the guy behind Wingnut International models and he also is a Luft 46 builder.  Karl sent me a write up of Wingnut's efforts as well as a build write up of the Planet Models Heinkel P.1079A that he built a few years back.  This is just what I've been looking for as to content and Karl's contributions are an excellent way to start things off.
05/08/08 The Rockets & Missiles section is now up.
Wow!  I finally got the last of the original aircraft kit pages all up and reformatted to the revised style of having the menu table on the left.  I also got the Bibliography page up and running with its extensive reference book listing.  The progress continues!
05/07/18 The first of the new pages are put up online and linked.  So far, this is pretty much just a straight duplication of the content from William's site and work.
05/07/13 is once again a live domain!